My last post sounds really depressing, well I did feel quite depressed at the time, it comes and goes. In yet another one of those low point mental states, I bumped into this wonderful show - Alex Inc. It's about a guy who quits the big corporate job and starts his own business. Sounds a lot like me (except the wife and kids), anyway I could relate to every single episode, it was just wonderful to see the journey and struggles through someone's eyes.Too bad it won`t be renewed for another season. But the way it lifted up my spirits was simply amazing, if TV shows can do that, I think that's the real service- enriching peoples lives with entertainment.
I'm hanging in there, still trying to figure out the startup life. Not sure how it would turn up but will certainly write about it here.
I still have bills to pay for, so even-though I'm not at my big cooperate job, my current small workplace pays my bills. I still don`t like how I spend my time there (meaning what I do), so this painting just always makes me forget that 'I'm-at-a-job-that-hate-to-pay-my-bills' feeling.
(image from Google, not sure who the artist is)