Monday, July 6, 2020


I just realized I haven`t blogged this whole year.

Seven months down - what a year it has been.

I have been totally unemployed and living in my own head probably made me forget all about this blog.

Anyway, I have been trying to figure out certain things that are true for me vs what society says.

Society: Travel, go see the world, that`s how you live and relax
Me: I absolutely hate traveling, the thought of packing makes me sick, I`m perfectly happy and relaxed with good food, good books, and my cat

Society: Have kids, they will change your life
Me: Again, I`m really content with my life

Society: Have lots of friends
Me: I`m happy to be by myself

Society: Big title, big career, that`s life
Me: I could never imagine myself inside a cubicle day in and day out, I`m happy with how I spend my time

I`m going to keep adding to this list so that I don`t get caught up in comparison fatigue :D

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