Monday, December 24, 2018

December Recap - 2018

The year of Transformation! that's exactly what this year has been. Although come to think of it, I have been in the process of transformation all this time but a significant shift occurred this year. All the self - help you tube videos, self help/spiritual books, exercising consistently and eating well did lead up to a major shift in my life. My post in August was so depressing I didn`t think two months later I would have this shift.

Guess things always fall into place if you keep working on yourself and look inward for answers.

Highlights of the year.

- Turned 33 and promised myself that this year I will take my life to the next level (which I did !) 
- Had the shortest haircut ever
- Gave up sugar for good
- Started eating healthy
- Gave up junk food (90/10)
- Started meditating
- Started Yoga
- Found amazing people that changed my life - Tom Bilyeu, Alexi Panos, Jay Shetty, Michael Gervais, Preston Smiles, Rich Roll, James Clear .......oh so so many more! 
- Got into a solid morning routine where I feed my mind with good stuff and feed my body with good exercise.
- Started morning journalling ( suggested by Tim Ferris)
- 'thoughts become things' I became extra careful of every single word, thought that I put out into the world
- Stopped complaining 
- Got my aura checked and invested in bracelets to balance my chakras
- Focused on everything I have and how blessed I am
- Realized that I am already living the life of my dreams
- Start-up got started for real (yay!)
- Got into another venture with my sis-in-law
- Learned to have compassion towards my self first and learned to love myself fully
- The shift in the mind is truly amazing, i'm more in tune with myself and listen to myself

2019 Goal/s - The Year of Catching Up !

Have fun being awesome doing awesome things in the world! and be divine love...keep getting closer to the source that brought me here :)

Have an awesome New Year !

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