Monday, February 16, 2015

My Early Morning Breakfast Cafe

No I didn`t start an actual cafe, I just started leaving biscuits and pieces of apples on my balcony. I wanted  to feed the little squirrel that I see sometimes, so I thought of leaving some food. Well couple of days later there were four squirrels and several species of birds who started showing up daily. These days they make me want to wake up early, bcz once when I got up late the squirrels were already there and  they had this expression which said "where on earth have you been?".
It kinda feels good because I thought that if their breakfast is settled early morning they can go back to sleep or play for a while and start looking for the next meal( I know it sounds silly but I have a tendency of thinking about animals a lot).
Anyway I stayed at home today (four holidays within two months, I might as well give my resignation soon, its been a bit too stressful lately) and I saw this bird happily(?) singing for a while and I started wishing I was a bird. Just imagine, If you were one of those tiny birds, you don`t need a lot of food, you can fly and I'm guessing that species have minimum predators. Why on earth am I thinking this way? Well I've started not liking my 'environment again' and wants to dissapear.

Need to follow my own advice.....Gratitude and meditation


  1. Let me know where to pick up the food, thank you very much :D

  2. will email you my address :D I have increased the variety of food offered :D


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