Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Annual Recap Post - 2016

Probably the 'fastest' year...I didn`t even feel 12 months passing.
Mainly because of the job, the consultancy firm that I work for only runs by deadlines. so I guess I need to slow down and get away from this rush!

2016 - Highlights - Wins!

  • Completed the MBA- Yay!
  • Got a Tattoo! - My first one
  • Stood up for myself, stood up against the office bully to be specific, and that felt AMAZING!
  • Marisa Peer's Lecture was so moving that I decided to do it myself. I wrote "I am enough" with lipstick across the mirror...The changes were unbelievable!
  • Had the first serious discussion about starting a business, which didn`t result in anything, however I got to seriously think about starting something on my own
  • Found a business coach or rather a business coach found me, I will follow this as a sign and see how this goes
  • Started Practicing being fully present
  • Read a lot, I mean a LOT of books, mainly self help but amazing books which helped tremendously for me to grow
  • Started bullet journal-ling and ended bullet journal-ling 
  • Started being fully active on instagram- which is so much fun!
  • Gardening was pretty good, my balcony is getting closer to becoming a mini bird sanctuary
  • My relationship with my husband is becoming more authentic, I'm more present and aware now, I'm just going to see how things go
  • My friendship with a close friend has reached a bit of an 'off phase', I just don`t want to deal with drama at this stage in my life
  •  Started eating healthier, Did something I never thought I would do- I stopped eating sausages!
  • Lost around 8kg and only 3kg more to loose to get back to my usual old self! - YAY!
Lessons Learned
  • Always, ALWAYS stand up for yourself, especially at work. Never let other people treat you like trash and get away with it.
  •  Alocating 'me time' always pays off, you become a much happier healthier person
  • Working out daily gives you an amazing feeling which you can`t get by eating junk food, so always go for the workout and ditch junk food
  • Portion control works like magic when it comes to weight loss
  • Always start counting your blessing when your thoughts start spiraling around an old situation that has harmed you, do not feed those thoughts and let them pass. You are not your thoughts, you are the one being aware of those thoughts. 
    and finally knowing that

It's been a great year! now to....

2017 Goals

- Have several smashing startups
- Publish several best selling books
- Be my own boss
- More quality time with my family
- Dance more
- Sing More
- Play more
- Have my own amazing tribe
- Be the Light that spreads love

Happy New Year Everyone!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Pregnancy Test....I'm holding it....I can see the results now..........It says 'positive'....
So many thoughts going in my head.."what am I going to do now???" How"........

And then I woke up.................

It was all a dream!.......wait was a nightmare!

Mentioned this 'nightmare' to the man later who asked why it was categorized as a 'nightmare'


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Lessons Learnt

Someone has created this wonderful facebook page where all of the childhood story books have been uploaded. Stories that I have read 25 years ago.During a time when we didn`t have internet or even facebook. Yes I do sound like an old person, but there was a time that I was offended when someone tells me that I sound like an old person (when I refuse to go partying, going to bed by 9p.m...etc), but now that I'm 32, I have never been happier or wiser.

I now know that,

I absolutely hate drinking, I hate the taste of it, I hate the smell of it and can`t stand it. Hollywood makes you think that its all glamorous and people have more fun after having alcohol, and even to 'be cool' you must be the 'drinking kind'. After trying to be someone I'm not and pretending to like the taste of it just to 'fit in' , now I have even left a corporate job (where after parties was a requirement for career advancement) and settled in  a small company. I don`t have to lie to myself or make myself do these things. Those who wanna party all night can do so, and I always am happy to cuddle with a book or my headphones by myself.

I need to choose very carefully how I spend my time. Every time I say yes to something that I don`t wanna do and something I do out of obligation, I feel like my soul gets filled with emptiness. I enjoy saying no to people more now, and it gives me this warm feeling of love for myself. 

Love is not entirely from romantic relationships. Love can be felt through friendships, deep conversations, love to myself, love that you show others and love that you give to the world. 

The right people will always come to you at the right time and you will always be alright. Don`t be afraid to share the wonderful gifts that you have to share with the world.

Deep compassion is something that you need to practice. The more you let go of judgement the more you heal internally.

Things you learn experience is so much  more valuable that certificates or degrees. Being wise only comes with age, and for that I'm very grateful. Looking forward to getting wiser each year. I actually like getting older.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I think the time has come for me to start a new blog. When I started this blog 6 years ago I wanted it to be a sort of a digital journal where I would write about my fights with my mom, my search for love, marital complains, problems related to work and other rants. Every time I open my blog and try to type now, I feel like the space doesn`t fit who I have become anymore. When I go through my old posts I feel very different. I need to start recording my journey in a different way. I want to remember the happy memories, achievements, realizations than angry rants when I look back. So I thought of starting another blog. Feels exciting. I will write more and more about my journey towards spiritual path in finding my true self, looking for different teachers and will write about everything I find.

Feels Exciting and feels like a new beginning.
Here's the link : 

p.s. I will of course keep blogging here about this and that, hopefully less angry/frustrated rants.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Visit

I spoke about this church here and finally after 4 years managed to go there. Its amazing how I remembered the route even-though I was last there 20 years ago when I was very small. Nothing much had changed, it was comforting in a way to see an area to be the exact same way that you remembered it to be.

In other news, I need to re-do my blog. I have started following these two lovely teachers  and have started taking a more spiritual path in life. Feel like I need to start a new blog because I went through some old posts and can`t even relate to any of those 'rantings'. High time I start to blog about things I learn daily and the methods to train myself to stay positive :D.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

This New Year.....

Wishing for a life filled with inner peace, wisdom, love and happiness....

Happy New Year to all Sri Lankans!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

One of those days

Its just one of those days where you can't seem to find a reason to get down from bed..........

Friday, February 26, 2016


Almost two years of much hard work...sleepless nights.....accumulated into this one moment.....that moment of giving a dissertation....feels so unreal.......

It's weird actually, last time when i did my masters i told myself that was the last time i was going to sit for a lecture.Eighth years later, here i am again...completing yet another masters......This time it was so much harder, studying while working, while being newly married and switching jobs in between. I have grown so much,feels truly blessed and thankful for the person that I have become today.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Being Ready

It has been said that you have to be ready to receive. Many times I have picked up  this book, held it in my hands wanting to buy it, but never got to it. I always keep it down and buy something else. I have done this many times and few months earlier I saw it again at British Council Library, held it for a while, kept it down and got another book. But as I was holding  it in my hands again, months later, my inner voice asked me to take it. Within a day I managed to finish reading despite the fact that I'm stuck with my dissertation and work. Everything I read in this book felt like a summary of all the Ted talks, lectures and other books that I have been reading all this while. Everything made perfect sense.
Feels like i'm on the right path.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Art of Deculttering - The Experience

Well I did it! Used the 'KonMari' method and de-cluttered everything. Got rid of almost 30 pieces of clothing and several garbage bags full of paper..... and my mind is at peace :)

Marie Kondo....Thank you!

P.S.And Thank you to my brother for ordering that book!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Art of Decluttering

Finished reading the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up:The Japanese Art of Decuttering and Organizing. The way she sees the art of tidying is quite fascinating!

After several attempts of organizing the house and failing miserably, I thought this is something i'm gonna try since 'KonMari' method keeps the house tidy (forever!- well she claims that twice a year cleaning is enough). The Main points I got from the book..
  1. Always clean up according to category (clothes, books, mementos), not by room
  2. Always focus on what you want to keep instead on what you want to throw away
  3. Always keep things that "sparks joy"
  4. Surround yourself with things that you love and sparks joy

What really struck me was as a result of cleaning up, some lost weight, got clearer about life choices and even started to do more things that give them joy. It does make sense, you become more decisive when you decide what you want to surround yourself with, and when that is "what sparks joy", life is indeed joyful.

Trying it out this weekend! Starting off with clothes.

Classroom to Learn Lessons or a Cosmic Joke?

  Same old unconscious patterns Same old drama you are too familiar with Same old manipulators pulling strings, thinking you can't see t...