Thursday, November 8, 2018

Discovery of Alexi Panos

Alexi Panos was on women of impact - hosted by another amazing woman, Lisa Bilyeu. She had such energy and Lisa mentioned how amazing her you tube videos were,i had to check those out.
I have been watching her and Preston Smiles on a daily basis now. Starting the day with their videos really set the tone for me. Anyway this post is not about the massive impact she is making on my life. It's about the amazing sequence of events that work in this universe.
In one of her interviews Alexi mentioned that since her parents got divorced she had to travel back and forth 8 hour car rides with her mom. Her mom used to play tapes of Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer and Mariane Williamson while driving and all their teachings got conditioned into her mind. Later on she had to rediscover them-that's a different story. But just think, her mother chose to play those tapes instead of just listening to radio and see the impact it had on her daughter. See the resulting impact it is making on my life here on this island!
Your choices have consequences that you Will never think about.
Choose wisely. I mean seriously, choose wisely....
P.s. checkout vids of Alexi Panos and Preston Smiles and see what I' m talking about!

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