So what changed my relationship with food? A comment by a colleague(that I no longer talk to) about my sense of style. I was so angry back then and thought how could 'she' out of all people tell me how to dress, then I realized that I had stopped caring how I looked and kept getting bigger and bigger clothes. Then I happened to see 'Stick with you' by Pussycat Dolls and saw Nichol's eyebrows and I realized I had even ignored that (I looked like a bear)! I got so used to being obsessed with my personal problems which kept getting worse, I didn`t even look at myself.As I type this today I only feel so much love and compassion for that girl, that girl who struggled so hard, that girl who didn`t know any better.
3 years later today I'm talking about becoming a vegan and about to form proper six pack abs (yes, been working out and eating so well, and gotten so hotter :D).In order to lose the weight, I gave up sugar (something I never thought I could do.) and I started exercising. Weight loss was so slow and hit a plateau, but I started looking and feeling better the second I gave up sugar. I had less and less nervous breakdowns, had more clarity in my thoughts and was making better decisions.
I started trying several diet plans...
- Low carb diet - helped me realize how much I was committed to become more healthier, because low carb meant no dairy - living without milk tea was something I thought I can NEVER do. Two weeks into this diet, my face looked different and my pants fell off(literally!). I couldn`t keep doing it because I liked fruits and milk.
Which brought me to....
- Keto Diet - high fat, high protein low carb. The combination of food was fantastic. I had to eat a lot of meat - which I did. somehow it didn`t feel right.
What I'm doing now.......
- Eating mostly healthy - gave up dairy when I realized my gut didn`t like dairy at all
- Eating lots of vegetables - mental clarity that you get from this is amazing
- Not punishing myself if I enjoy sugar or any 'unhealthy' food. But to be honest I eat those during extreme social events, otherwise I choose to put the best possible food inside my body.
- HIIT workouts - changed my life (checkout Bowflex on YouTube)
- Most importantly listening to my body and feeding what my body wants.
Coming back to pick up limes, the host Sadia does an amazing job. She is one of those people you can listen to if you are having an 'off' day and you will feel that life is good.Watching her videos inspired me to try and become a vegan. Again I'm not giving myself unnecessary pressure. Mostly vegan during steps......I feel so much better and my skin looks amazing!
check out her channel - Pick Up Limes
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